District Update – Sept. 29, 2023
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Save the Date
Our fall parent-teacher conferences will take place on Nov. 15-17, immediately preceding Fall Break (Thanksgiving week). Conferences will be held virtually through the Meet the Teacher platform, with in-person appointments available by request. More details, including sign-up information, will be provided in the coming weeks.
Parent Education Events
District 39 is committed to providing family-focused programming throughout the year geared towards providing tips, guidance, and support for our parents. Our next event, titled “Parenting in the Digital Age,” is also one of our most popular presentations! Families can participate in-person at Highcrest Middle School or virtually via Zoom for this event, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 11 am. Registration is now open. Please check out our Parent Education page for our full schedule of Parent Ed events, registration links, and archived recordings.
D39 Communication Survey
District 39 is committed to providing timely and relevant communication in ways that fit your needs. In alignment with Goal 4 of our strategic plan, we are gathering feedback from families on District- and school-level communication preferences. Please take this brief survey to help us learn how to continue to effectively and efficiently communicate. Note: this survey does not include classroom-level communication from teachers.
Board of Education Meetings
The Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Monday, October 2 at 6 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center. At this meeting, the terms of a new collective bargaining agreement with the Wilmette Education Association (WEA) covering 2023-2028 will be presented for approval. The Board will then adjourn to executive session for its annual self-evaluation and board development activities with a representative from the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB). Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings are available here.