Wilmette Public Schools support the academic, social-emotional and physical needs of each child through a collaborative partnership with the greater Wilmette community. Through the generosity of families, businesses and affiliate organizations, District 39 is able to provide additional support to families when they need it the most.

Families Looking to Give Families in Need of Support
  1. District 39 families in need often rely upon contributions from food banks and food pantries. Please consider making a monetary or non-perishable food donation to any of our local food banks:

  2. Please reach out to any of our school principals to find out how you can provide assistance to families in a specific school community. Our principals will work with our parent teacher organizations and associations that have graciously offered to confidentially provide resources to District 39 families in need.

  3. The District 39 Angel Fund provides qualifying families facing hardship with financial support to cover a variety of needs, including school lunch/food, transportation costs, extracurriculars, enrichment experiences, school fees and other needs as they arise. Donations can be made securely through the Angel Fund online payment portal.

  4. The Village of Wilmette launched a Community Caretaker Program through which volunteers can sign up to provide services such as grocery and medicine delivery to seniors and other at-risk Wilmette residents. Additional information about this program can be found on the Community Caretakers Program website.

  5. There are many families facing homelessness because of our current situation that need help beyond what can be provided in schools. The North Cook Intermediate Service Center Regional Office of Education has set up a fund to help families with emergency needs. Families may donate through the NCICS-ROE donation website.

Meal Assistance

  • Families in need of meal assistance are encouraged to visit any of our local food banks or pantries.

  • Contact your school principal to request specific assistance or email our district coordinator for the Angel Fund, Mrs. Nancy Potisuk.
  • In light of the coronavirus pandemic, McAlister’s Deli is providing two free lunches for children on weekdays. (No purchase necessary.)


Financial or Other Assistance

  • This Financial Support Spreadsheet contains a multitude of financial support resources for those with Chicago-area businesses affected by COVID-19.

  • Please reach out to your school social worker or building administrator to discuss options and opportunities for financial assistance.
  • United Way offers financial assistance with bills, rent and food to families through the COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund. Call 1-888-211-9966 for more information.
  • Individuals who want to speak with a mental health professional can text the word "talk" or "hablar" (for Spanish speakers) to 552-020. Within 24 hours, that individual will receive a call from a mental health professional employed by a local community health center. People can also text other terms, like "unemployment," food" or "shelter" to the same number to receive information on how to navigate and access supports and services.
  • Seniors and other at-risk Wilmette residents having trouble obtaining essential supplies can request assistance through the Village of Wilmette's Community Caretakers Program.
  • Connections for the Homeless has assistance available for people who are behind on rent, mortgage or utility payments or anticipate being unable to pay future payments in Cook County. If you need this type of financial assistance, please call 847-475-7070.


  • If you are without access to paid sick leave or unable to work because of COVID-19, contact the Illinois Department of Employment Security for information on unemployment benefits and other government actions taken to support out-of-work families. 

Mental Health

  • The Haven Youth and Family Services is offering community support phone sessions at no cost in response to the increase in anxiety that has resulted from COVID-19. These 20-minute sessions offer intermediate, short-term support to community members. Call 847-251-6630 to connect with a therapist.

  • The Juniper Center offers teletherapy sessions. Call 847-759-9110 x1 to schedule an appointment.

  • The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.

  • In addition to their services for families and children, Josselyn is now offering free counseling to first responders and hospital staff.

  • Additional support can be found under the D39 Parent Resources page.