Board Meeting Highlights
February 28, 2022
Complete Meeting Packet
Board Reports
Facility Development Committee (FDC) - Mr. Panzica
During the Committee of the Whole/Special Meeting on February 14th, the following was discussed.
Romona Window Replacement Project Bid Results
The Romona window replacement bid opening was held February 9th. The District received three competitive bids. LoDestro Construction offered the lowest responsible bid with a project cost of $1,940,000 including the Base Bid and Alternate 1. Nicholas and Associates completed the bid scope review and administration recommended the project for Board approval.
Harper Asbestos Abatement
The Harper boiler and piping replacement project requires a significant amount of asbestos abatement work to be performed before the construction team can begin their work. The District will seek bids for this work as it will exceed bidding thresholds. The work is scheduled to take place over spring break week and resume for two weeks at the start of summer break. Due to timing of the bid work in relation to the bid opening on March 7th, Board approval will take place at the March 14th Committee of the Whole meeting.
School Finance Committee (SFC) - Mr. Cesaretti
During the Committee of the Whole Meeting/Special Meeting on February 14th, the following was discussed.
2022-2023 Student Fees
Annually, the Board approves the proposed school fees for the coming school year. The fees are recommended to remain flat for the 2022-23 school year. Fees not included in the presentation at Committee of the Whole were lunch fees, transportation fees, and Summer Enrichment Fees. Summer Enrichment Fees were presented for approval separately on the agenda. Transportation and lunch fees will be presented for approval at a later date as administration is still determining recommendations for these fees.
Debt Certificates Update
On February 2nd, the District sold debt certificates generating $6.5 million in proceeds to be used on capital projects. Eight bids were received in a highly competitive sale as there was strong interest in D39's AAA-rated debt certificates. Bids were very close with J.P. Morgan submitting the lowest True Interest Cost bid. Mr. Bultemeier reviewed the repayment structure and proposed debt certificate payments for the future.
Strategy - Mrs. Schneider-Fabes
During the Committee of the Whole Meeting/Special Meeting on February 14th, the following was discussed.
2022-2023 School Calendar
The administration assembled a committee to develop the calendar for the upcoming school year. The committee ensured alignment with New Trier and holiday breaks along with opportunities for professional development. A few changes to the typical calendar included hosting elections on November 8, which is non-attendance day, an extra day during winter break to align with New Trier’s calendar, and parent-teacher conferences were moved to just before Thanksgiving and Spring breaks to allow for more connected teaching and learning time.
Discussion of Policy 8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property and Community Use of School Buildings
Following the Atlantic Research Partners review of the Special Education process, it was recommended that policy 8:30 be reviewed related to expectations for communications between parents and staff.
Members discussed potential edits to empower staff to address any disrespect, intimidation, or harassment that might occur within any parent interactions. Discussion ensued regarding whether the language should be included in policy or instilled in practice. The Board expressed support for ongoing review of practice and support for staff in implementing the current policy.
Liaison Reports
Community Review Committee (CRC) - Mrs. Schneider-Fabes
The CRC topic of focus is Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The committee continued to work in their subcommittees on their topic “Building Responsive Social-Emotional Learning through Strengthening Parent-Teacher Communication and Increasing Parent Understanding of and Engagement in SEL Instruction.”
Educational Foundation - President Poehling
The Foundation is revamping their website, which will hopefully be completed by the end of the school year. Gripp Grants are approaching the March 4 deadline. The Paddle Classic Party will be held on March 12. Bingo Night was held this past weekend and was a success. The next meeting is March 23.
Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) - Mrs. Kim
Panel presentations for the next Joint Annual Conference are due next week. IASB has a new online program designed to assist school boards in evaluating superintendents. There is a webinar on March 3 at 1:00 pm for those interested in registering.
District Strategic Advisory Team (DSAT) - Mr. Panzica/Ms. Stone
Goal teams continue to work in subgroups. The next meeting will be held on March 3, 2022.
Wilmette Village Intergovernmental Cooperation Working Group - Mr. Cesaretti/Mrs. Kim
The next meeting will be held on March 1. District 39 will share sustainability programs for discussion.
Legislative Update- Mrs. Kim
HB1167 was introduced, in response to the Governor’s veto of HB2778. HB1167 would provide paid administrative leave to vaccinated, full-time school employees who have taken sick days due to COVID-19. The employee’s used sick days would also be restored. Other Senate Bills included ensuring educational equity for students of color and allowing short-term substitutes to teach 15 consecutive days (up from 5 days) were recently passed.
Information Items
Written Communication
Announcements from the Superintendent
5th-8th Grade Scripps Spelling Bee
The D39 Spelling Bee Winner was 7th grader, Sanjana Prabhu, who will now advance to the 12th Annual North Cook ISC Scripps Spelling Bee to be held at Gemini Middle School on
March 9.
Mitigation Updates and Planning
Dr. Cremascoli provided an update on implementation of the Reduced COVID-19 Mitigation Plan. Although there were differences of opinion regarding the next steps forward with regard to how to best to navigate these progressions in the District’s pandemic response, she expressed a sense of pride in how our students, staff and families came together to support one another, to show kindness and respect for one another, and to respectfully engage with and partner to achieve success through this transition. She expressed gratitude to all for helping make this a smooth transition for our students and our staff. In a world where there were many examples of division, the District is incredibly proud of how our community united together as one - in support of our students and staff, and with a clear commitment to kindness, respect and stability within our schools.
Dr. Cremascoli reviewed updates from Friday related to the CDC COVID guidelines for community levels and indicated that masking on buses or vans operated by public and private school systems is no longer required. Updates regarding the appellate court ruling regarding the case in Sangamon County were provided along with Governor Pritzkers recent statement and withdrawal of the Universal Masking Executive Order. The CDC webpage was shared along with the District 39 Metrics page which continues to track and report local metrics identified.
Registration Reminders
A reminder to all families to complete registration to plan for staffing needs and class sizes for the upcoming school year. Staffing decisions begin in March and having the most up-to-date enrollment figures helps to plan accordingly.
Harper Asbestos Abatement Bid Approval Announcement
The District will be opening bids for the Harper asbestos abatement work on March 7th. The Board would potentially approve the winning bidder at the Monday, March 14th Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The District received FOIA requests from: Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA) requesting names and email addresses of any certified certified staff retiring this year; Tania Campbell of Databid requesting the bid opening tabulation or low bidder for the McKenzie Elementary air conditioning project; Dedi Preston of ChicagolandConstruction requesting bid results/tabulations or award for the McKenzie Elementary air conditioning project and the Romona window replacement project.
Strategy - Ms. Katie Lee
- 2021-2026 District 39 Strategic Plan: 2021-2022 Mid-Year Update
On September 27 2021, the goals and strategies of the 2021-2026 District 39 Strategic Plan were approved by the Board of Education. Development of specific action steps for the first year of a multi-year strategic plan and other next steps such as forming a District 39 Strategic Advisory Team and launching a promotional campaign were conducted. This executive summary report focused on mid-year updates for all goal areas: Student Achievement + Growth, Supportive Community, Professional Community, Family Partnerships, and Stewardship of Resources. The comprehensive plan is to build awareness and engage stakeholders to the new multi-year strategic plan.
Annual Business - Mr. Bultemeier
- Select Student Fees for 2022-2023
The Board will be asked to approve a select group of student fees for the 2022-23 school year. The fees were discussed at the February committee meeting. Fees are recommended to remain flat for the next school year.
- Summer Enrichment Program Fees
District 39 will hold a more traditional Summer Enrichment Program this summer, with three distinct types of classes, Enrichment, Review and Reinforcement, and Extended School Year. Some ESSER funds will be used to offset the costs of the Review and Reinforcement program, resulting in a reduced fee associated with this program. Fees for enrichment classes are consistent with previous years, with materials costs added based on the type of class.
- 2022-2023 School Calendar
As part of the strategic plan action items for this school year, a committee of teachers and staff was formed to review considerations for the 2022-2023 school calendar. The committee created the proposed calendar. Highlights include alignment with New Trier High School major breaks, the November 8 election day holiday, an extra day of winter break, parent-teacher conferences moved to just before Thanksgiving and spring breaks, and President’s Day is scheduled to be a holiday unless an emergency day is used. If there is an emergency day before the President’s Day holiday, then President’s Day will be a student attendance/work day, but it will be an e-learning day allowing flexibility for staff and families to work remotely.
Board Policy Review - Dr. Cremascoli
- Second and Final Reading of Board of Education Policies 2:200 Board of Education Meetings; 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure; 2:240 Board of Education Policy Development; 2:250 Access to District Public Records; 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure; 3:40 Superintendent; 3:50 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent; 3:60 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal; 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management; 4:16 Identity Protection; 4:60 Purchases and Contracts; 4:80 Accounting and Audits; 4:130 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services; 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees; 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs; 4:160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds; 4:170 Safety; and 4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
Personnel Report dated February 28, 2022
Approve Select Student Fees for the 2022-2023 School Year
Approve the Summer Enrichment Fees
Approve the 2022-2023 School Calendar
Approve as Second and Final Reading Board of Education Policies 2:200 Board of Education Meetings; 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure; 2:240 Board of Education Policy Development; 2:250 Access to District Public Records; 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure; 3:40 Superintendent; 3:50 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent; 3:60 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal; 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management; 4:16 Identity Protection; 4:60 Purchases and Contracts; 4:80 Accounting and Audits; 4:130 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services; 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees; 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs; 4:160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds; 4:170 Safety; and 4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications
The next regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting will be held on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 7 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center.