Dear District 39 Community,
Collaboration is truly at the heart of everything we do here in Wilmette Public Schools. From teachers discussing student progress to students working on group projects and activities, collaboration is an integral part of teaching, learning and growing in District 39.
As Superintendent, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate with so many outstanding leaders and educational professionals. Just a few days ago, New Trier Township feeder school superintendents held a conference call where we each discussed our response to the coronavirus outbreak. We discussed preventative measures we put in place as well as ways we can partner to ensure our families and school communities remain safe and healthy. The result of our collaboration was the coronavirus informational letter that I shared with you earlier today.
In a similar regard, we continue to collaborate with our local government organizations and first responders to ensure we are prepared to respond to a potential health emergency. Nearly a dozen Wilmette-based organizations, including the Wilmette police and fire departments, came together this past week to share information on ways to support each other in response to challenges posed by coronavirus. The meeting resulted in this joint news release, which has been shared by the Village and posted to our district website.
We owe it to our students and families to take the necessary precautions to keep our school community safe. As always, thank you for your partnership in supporting the health and safety needs of our community.
Please see below for this month’s updates:
Future Planning and District Review
We are excited to begin our strategic plan development process this month. District 39 will partner with the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) to begin a comprehensive review of our school district’ strengths and opportunities for growth while defining a multi-year plan that will guide our pursuit of excellence for the next several years. We will study all facets of our organization as part of this review, including the processes, systems and protocols used to support our students and our and special education programming.
Please keep an eye out for more information coming soon as we will soon begin looking for parent volunteers to join our Strategic Planning team in April.
Registration for the 2020-21 School Year
This year, we moved up the completion dates for returning student registration in order to better support planning and preparation for the upcoming school year. We ask all families to review the registration email you should have received on Feb. 18 and complete the returning student registration process before Spring Break. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Staying Healthy and Safe
District 39 continues to take proactive steps to prevent the spread of illness in our schools. As our partners in the health and education of students, we rely on you to reinforce important safety information and guidance that we share with our students here in school. Your support is greatly appreciated in the following ways:
- The CDC recommends families avoid all non-essential travel to China, Iran, South Korea and Italy.
- Monitor children closely for signs and symptoms of illness, especially when traveling to areas that have had coronavirus outbreaks.
- Children with a fever greater than 100 degrees or children who show any signs of illness must stay at home from school until they are fever/symptom free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or symptom-altering medication.
- Report all symptoms and illnesses through the school attendance line. School nurses will contact parents of students who have been absent with illness for 3 days to determine the type of illness in order to track student health.
- Review the health/safety tips provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
2020 Census
Census Day is April 1, 2020 and it will be here before we know it. Although the vast majority of our school district funding comes from property taxes and other local revenue sources, we receive funding from the federal government that is directly tied to Census data. The Census is completely confidential and the information cannot be seen or used by any other governmental entity. I have included some helpful Census links below for additional information.
Annual Eighth Grade Play
Finally, I hope that you will consider joining us for this year’s junior high production of Frozen Jr. on Friday, March 13 (7 p.m.), Saturday, March 14 (7 p.m.) and Sunday, March 15 (1 p.m.). Our 7th and 8th grade students have worked hard to put on this musical, which promises to be fun for the entire family! All are welcome to attend. Tickets can be purchased at Highcrest Middle School or Wilmette Junior High School before the show week. Tickets cost $5 in advance and $7 at the door.
Your partner in education,
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D.
Wilmette Public Schools District 39