Board Meeting Highlights
December 16, 2019
Complete Meeting Packet
Board Reports
1. Facilities Development Committee – Mrs. Sternweiler noted that the Facilities Development Committee met on Dec. 9 along with other board committees during the Board’s Committee of the Whole meeting. During the meeting, the Facilities Committee received an update on district construction projects and discussed elementary playgrounds. Board members further discussed the idea of reviewing all district playgrounds as part of an evaluation of district-wide facilities with additional consideration given to Romona’s playground, which may require a timelier review. Further discussion on the topic of playgrounds will be presented to the Board in February. The Committee also discussed its special meeting with the Village of Wilmette regarding the impact of the Village’s Stormwater Construction project on the school district and the Memorandum of Understanding presented for approval later on the agenda.
2. Finance Committee – Mr. Cesaretti noted that the Finance Committee met on Dec. 9 to discuss district five-year financial projections, proposed student fees and financial metrics and benchmarking. Mr. Cesaretti said the district’s fund balance will decline over the next five years due to planned capital construction projects throughout D39 schools.
3. Strategy Committee – Ms. Stone noted that the Strategy Committee met on Dec. 9 to consider strategic plan approaches to support its desire to engage in future strategic planning. The Board will review a wide range of consultants and, based on an administrative recommendation from Dr. Cremascoli, invite 2-5 firms for formal interviews in late February. The Committee also reviewed and discussed the intergovernmental agreement with New Trier for a data study presented for approval later on the agenda.
4. Liaison Updates – Ms. Lee noted the Community Review Committee met on Dec. 2 and discussed a list of questions that could be used to gather information on local parent engagement practices. Ms. Stone noted that the Educational Foundation met on Dec. 11. The Ed. Foundation discussed their sponsored programs, Gripp Grant “brag boards” and an upcoming a trivia night fundraiser at St. Joseph. Within the IASB Liaison report, Mrs. Sternweiler reported on the recent IASB Resolutions Committee and noted that the IASB voted against a resolution related to the possession of firearms by select school personnel.
Informational Items
1. Planning and Coordinating with Village of Wilmette – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the Board held a special meeting with the Village of Wilmette on Dec. 2 to discuss the Stormwater Project proposed for the Community Playfields. The Board is considering an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to detail the specifics of an easement allowing access through the parking lot of Highcrest Middle School and addressing the many safety, access and educational impact issues presented by the project.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Village of Wilmette – Dr. Cremascoli shared that the Board will consider an MOU with the Village of Wilmette. The MOU recognizes the necessary partnership and collaboration between District 39 and Village to ensure a safe, timely and efficient completion of the stormwater project in the Community Playfields.
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with New Trier for Data Sharing Study – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the Board is considering an IGA related to data sharing with New Trier Township High School. New Trier is examining their assessment practices as they related to student placement and success of students within their leveling system. This IGA will assist New Trier in studying this, and is being considered by each of the New Trier Township elementary sending districts.
4. Kindergarten Registration – Dr. Cremascoli noted that registration for incoming kindergarten students is scheduled to begin on Monday, January 13, 2020 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Staff will also be available to assist on Tuesday, January 14th from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm at all four elementary schools. For the 2020-2021 school year, families of students enrolled in Central or Harper School’s half-day academic kindergarten program may choose to have their kindergarten child participate in the Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program (also known as KEEP39) at their respective schools. In addition, the district is partnering with the park district and other local preschools to ensure kindergarten enrichment opportunities are also available to interested students attending kindergarten at McKenzie and Romona. Kindergarten registration information, including documents, is available on the
district kindergarten webpage.
5. Parent Education Series and Upcoming Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Event – Dr. Cremascoli noted that the District will host an educational presentation entitled, “Allyship in the Face of Hate” in partnership with the ADL at 7:30 p.m. in the WJHS Auditorium on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019. A list of parent educational speaker series events for the year is available on the
district website.
Five-Year Financial Projections – Mrs. Crispino gave a report on the District’s five-year financial projections. District finances are projected to remain strong. The operating fund balance to expenditure ratio is projected to decrease and remain just above the minimum goal of 40% in the combined operating funds through FY25. This projected decrease is due to planned capital improvement projects.
2020-2021 Student Fees – Mrs. Crispino noted that the Administration recommends student instructional fees remain flat for the 2020-2021 school year. The District will consolidate small additional charges billed to families throughout the year into instructional fees, which will cause the fees to rise slightly next year. With the exception of track and basketball, FY21 athletic fees will increase slightly by $10-30 to cover increases in program costs.
Longterm Enrollment Projections – Mr. DeMonte gave a presentation on District 39 longterm enrollment projections. Overall, enrollment projections demonstrate stable enrollment, noting a 10-year peak in 2015. Without including the impact of KEEP39, D39 enrollment is projected to slightly decline through 2024.
Board Policy Review – The Board conducted a third and final reading Board of Education Policies 5:120, 5:125, 5:130, 5:150, 5:170, 5:180, 5:185, 5:190, 5:195, 5:200, 7:20 and 7:180. Dr. Glowacki noted that language in these and future board policies will contain few, if any, references to pronouns in alignment with the District’s Statement of Inclusion.
Action Items
1. Consent Agenda – The Consent Agenda was approved including the following items:
Approve the Personnel Report
Approve as Third and Final Reading Board of Education Policies 5:120, 5:125, 5:130, 5:150, 5:170, 5:180, 5:185, 5:190 5:195, 5:200, 7:20 and 7:180
Approve the Bills for Payment including
Accounts Payable for December 2019 and
Manual Checks for December 2019
2. The
2020-2021 Student Fees were approved.
3. A
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Village of Wilmette was approved.
4. An
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with New Trier for Data Sharing Study was approved.
Conference Items
1. Old Business – None
2. New Business – None
3. Good and Welfare – Ms. Stone applauded the D39 music programs for producing student musicians who are able to thrive upon entering high school. Dr. Cremascoli congratulated the Wilmette Junior High Science Olympiad Team for placing 5th among 22 teams in a recent event and thanked their sponsor, Coach Val Moroz.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2020 in the Mikaelian Education Center.