Board Meeting Highights  -   April 28, 2014


  • The Board approved the disposal of executive session audio recordings.
  • The Board elected John Flanagin as President and Alice Schaff as Vice President.
  • The Board adopted Board of Education Policies.
  • The Board approved its meeting dates for the 2014-15 year.


  • Written communications received this month were reviewed.

Announcements from the Superintendent

  • The WJHS Symphonic Band will participate in the University of Illinois, Superstate Band Contest on Friday, May 9th. Only nine junior high bands statewide were selected for this honor.
  • Certamen is similar to a quiz bowl requiring knowledge of Latin, Roman history, culture, and mythology. The WJHS Certamen team was proud to take first place in regional competition. Four team members then went on to take first place in the state.
  • With support from the D39 Educational Foundation, Science Olympiad began last year for 5th and 6th graders, and then expanded this year through 8th grade. This year, the Olympiad participated in its first statewide competition, where the D39 team placed 14th.
  • McKenzie teacher Regina Safran, was honored recently at a New York City gala for a play adaptation for the theatre she created in 1991 of “Free to Be...You and Me.”
  • Last week the Educational Foundation hosted its annual Distinguished Citizen event, where Wilmette resident Beth Drucker was honored for an extensive list of school and community based volunteer work surrounding green practices and sustainable living. 
  • Construction is underway at WJHS for the new visitor entrance, and the foundation is in for a new bathroom at Harper.  These projects are on schedule.
  • Annual student registration was launched on April 11th. Parents are encouraged to register for next year, so the District can get a good sense of enrollments and plan sections for the coming school year.
  • FOIA request received this month was reviewed.

Information items

  • Dr. Lechner noted two Residential Property Tax Assessment Appeals.
    • Residential (No. 1404-01) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution.
    • Residential (No. 1404-02) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution.
  • Dr. Lechner presented the following amended calendars:
    • 2013-2014 Amended School Year Calendar included four weather related make-up days. The last day of school will be an early release day on Friday, June 13th.
    • 2014-2015 Amended School Year Calendar included adjusting the first day for teachers one day earlier and having student attendance on Election Day in April. This allows school to end one day earlier on Wednesday, June 10, 2015.
  • Dr. Clauson presented the enrollment projections, the first look at sections and class sizes for next year.  Registration is carefully monitored for changes in sections, especially in Kindergarten. In anticipation of possible section breaks, the administration has begun screening elementary candidates.
  • Dr. Lechner introduced the Curriculum Updates noting that there are three reviews at different stages of the cycle.
    • Mrs. Horowitz presented the New Social Studies Curriculum, along with several members of the committee.
    • Mrs. Horowitz presented the Math and English Language Arts Curriculum update.
  • Ms. Buscemi presented the Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Funds Tentative Budget.
  • Dr. Lechner introduced the Highcrest Middle School Planning Update noting that the District has been reviewing/discussing a few subtle changes to the HMS schedule that will benefit student learning and help teachers with instructional delivery. The WEA will need to review these changes after the BOE. Dr. Palzet presented the report.
  • Dr. Lechner presented the Resolution Authorizing Administrator Health Insurance Modifications, which addresses new Affordable Care Act requirements regarding a need to provide all employees similar health insurance benefits. This change brings the entire Administration in line with the rest of the staff regarding BOE paid medical insurance. Both the District’s insurance consultant and legal counsel recommended this change.
  • Dr. Lechner presented the Resolution Authorizing TSA Consulting Group, Inc. as a Third Party Administrator for the 403(B) and 457 (B) Plans. The District was notified in March 2014 that the current Third Party Administrator, CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, would no longer be servicing 403(b) & 457(b) plans.
  • Dr. Lechner presented the Resolutions Restating the District 39 403(B) Plan and the 457(B) Deferred Compensation Plan. Acquiring a new third party consultant requires the plans to be restated.
  • Dr. Clauson presented the Support Staff Union Letter of Agreement. The District reviews and restructures job descriptions from time to time to meet current needs. This recommendation is for two different technology positions to be combined into a single job description.

Board Action

  • Approved the Personnel Report dated April 28, 2014.
  • Approved the 2013-2014 Amended School Year Calendar.
  • Approved the 2014-2015 Amended School Year Calendar.
  • Approved the Non-Reemployment of Part-Time/Part-Year Support Personnel Employees.
  • Approved the Residential (No. 1404-01) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution.
  • Approved the Residential (No. 1404-02) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution.
  • Approved the following 403(B) and 457(B) Plan Third Party Changes:
    • Resolution Authorizing TSA Consulting Group, Inc. as a Third Party Administrator for Administration of the 403(B) and 457(B) Plans.
    • Resolution Restating the District 39 403(B) Plan and Resolution Restating the District 39 457(B) Deferred Compensation Plan.
  • Approved the Support Staff Union Letter of Agreement.
  • Tabled, then approved the Resolution Authorizing Administrator Health Insurance Modifications.


The next Board of Education meeting will be on Monday, May 19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Mikaelian Education Center.