Policy 8:95
Community Review Committee
The Community Review Committee (CRC) is an organization composed of community members from many differing constituencies who work to examine issues of interest to the District 39 Board of Education, the community, and to CRC itself. The CRC is an organization whose membership is determined by its contributing organizations and by the Board of Education, in the case of at-large members. The CRC serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Education. The CRC will work to develop documents and reports that the membership feels should be brought to the attention of the Board of Education and the community at large. To this end, the CRC consults with the Board of Education, community, faculty and other representatives of the educational community. In many cases, CRC will make recommendations for change or enhancement directly to the board. CRC looks forward to a timely and thoughtful response from the Board of Education.
The CRC will develop bylaws that govern CRC’s operations and must be approved by the Board of Education at least every three years.
Adopted: March 18, 1985
Revised: November 13, 2001, September 29, 2014; April 27, 2020
Reviewed: September 18, 2023