Policy 7:240
Conduct Code For Participants In Extracurricular Activities
The Superintendent or designee, using input from coaches and sponsors of extracurricular activities, shall develop a conduct code for all participants in extracurricular activities consistent with School Board policy. The conduct code shall: (1) require participants in extracurricular activities to conduct themselves as good citizens and exemplars of their school at all times, including after school, on days when school is not in session, and whether on or off school property; (2) emphasize that hazing and bullying activities are strictly prohibited; and (3) notify participants that failure to abide by it could result in discipline, up to and including removal from the activity. The conduct code shall be reviewed by the Building Principal periodically at their discretion and presented to the Board.
Participants in extracurricular activities must abide by the conduct code for the activity and Board policy 7:190, Student Behavior. All coaches and sponsors of extracurricular activities shall annually review the conduct code with participants and provide participants with a copy. In addition, coaches and sponsors of interscholastic athletic programs shall provide instruction on steroid abuse prevention to students in grades 7 through 8 participating in these programs.
Adopted: March 16, 1998
Revised: March 20, 2017; April 25, 2022