Board Meeting Highlights - March 23, 2015
Board Meeting Video
Board Committee Reports
Educational Foundation
John Flanagin reported. At the regional meet, the Varsity Science Olympiad Team placed 3rd of 17 and goes on to state competition. The Junior Varsity team came in 3rd of 10. WJHS students had a presentation by an FBI agent as part of Math in the Real World. Distinguished Citizen event honoring D39 alum Sydney Martin is April 30 – tickets available online and invitation will be mailed soon. Next meetings - March 25 and again on April 22.
Cindy Levine reported. Meeting was on March 23rd at Marie Murphy School. The 2016 Budget Calendar was discussed – it aligns with District 39’s Budget Calendar. Space issues and summer programs were reviewed. Next meeting is May 18th.
School Finance
Cindy Levine reported on school fees, including changes to bus fees that eliminate the early bird discount and add a late registration fee. She noted the committee reviewed the District financial dashboards that are under development. Next meeting is April 6 at 8:00 AM.
Legislative Update
Keith Dronen reported on the proposed amendment Senate Bill 1, which seeks to reapportion how state funds are distributed to school districts. Even with the revisions, D39 could still lose $2 million in state funding.
Announcements from the Superintendent
- Kelly Jackson has been selected as Principal for Highcrest and WJHS, effective July 1. Kelly was first with D39 starting in 2001 as a teacher before becoming Assistant Principal at WJHS. For the last two years she has been Principal at Cherokee Elementary School in Lake Forest.
- The District’s Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) waiver application was denied. D39 is appealing this denial with ISBE. Winnetka and Barrington are doing so as well.
- A proposed Final 2014-2015 School Calendar is being developed with a plan to make up two days, extending the school year to Friday, June 12th, assuming no additional bad weather.
- The District has taken the first steps to improve its logo and brand. A group of teachers, support staff, administrators, BOE members, and parents met with a consultant for a brainstorming session to focus on the District’s most important descriptors.
- The District’s Keyboarding Committee analyzed online keyboarding programs and selected one. Following spring break, the program will be piloted in second grade.
- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is in its final week. Departments of Technology, Curriculum and Instruction, and Student Services—along with building administrators & teachers—are to be commended for the extraordinary planning and support for this first official testing experience. The District had 99.2% of eligible students participate in PARCC. Test results are expected later in the summer and will be included in the yearly October data report to the Board.
Information items
- Mrs. Horowitz, Ms. Lee, and Ms. Barthelmess - Drama Class Development – New this year, 8th grade students can choose Improvisational Drama as an elective along with two other Drama options – Technical Theatre and Stage Acting. The report included background on how this elective developed and details of the curriculum.
- Dr. Thrasher and – 2014-15 Social Emotional Learning Update - Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is one of D39’s 2014-15 district goals, focusing on assessment tools to identify students in need of support, and SEL resources to supplement the Second Step curriculum.
- Mrs. Horowitz – Math Implementation Update – The revised math curriculum is in place in all grades. Parent education sessions were held and given resources to use at home. Baseline data will be collected at the end of the school year.
- Mrs. Horowitz – Environmental Awareness Update – The report included updates on environmental programming and initiatives, related curriculum, school gardens, enrichment programs, and community partnerships.
- Dr. Palzet – WJHS Coding Class Update – In fall of 2015, 8th graders will have a new related arts elective called Technology Applications, which will teach about concepts of design, iPad applications, and computer animations.
- Mrs. Goldin and Mr. Dennenberg – District Website Survey Update – Parents and staff were surveyed and results indicate that the District’s website is generally functioning well and meeting the needs of users. The survey identified areas for improvement and the District will develop an action plan.
Board Action
Board member Karen Donnan requested the 2015-2016 Student Fee Schedule be removed from the Consent Agenda for a separate vote.
The Consent Agenda was approved including the following:
- Personnel Report dated March 23, 2015
- Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Improvement Projects
- Resolution Authorizing Non-renewal of Probationary Teachers not in their Final Year
- Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Dismissal of Teachers due to Reduction in Force
- Commercial (NO.1503-01) Property Tax Assessment Appeal Resolution
- Second and Final Reading Revised Business and Non-Instructional Policies 4:130 and 4:140
- Second and Final Reading Instruction Policy 6:236 Recommended for Deletion
- Second and Final Reading Revised Personnel Policies 5:100, 5:150, 5:170, 5:195, 5:200, 5:220, 5:260, 5:270; New Policy 5:130; Delete Policies 5:160, 5:210, 5:225, 5:240, 5:250, 5:275, 5:280, 5:300, 5:320, 5:330, 5:340, 5:400 and 5:440
A separate vote was taken on the 2015-2016 Student Fee Schedule, which passed 5-1.
The next meeting of the District 39 Board of Education will be on Tuesday, Aptil 28, 2015
at 7:00 PM at the Mikaelian Education Center.