District 39 Curriculum
Understanding District 39 Curricula and New Illinois Learning Standards
Developing the District 39 Curricula
District 39 Curricula is our roadmap for student learning. Our curriculum includes concepts, skills, contexts, applications, and assessments and is designed around learning standards. The Illinois State Board of Education designates the learning standards for all schools in the state. Districts then develop their curricula using these standards as guidance as they consider other best current practice research in the content area under consideration. Our goal is to create the most appropriate curricula to meet the needs of students in District 39.
- Selection of the curriculum review committee
- Utilization of expert consultant
- Review of research and best practices in the discipline
- Thorough examination of content-related standards
- Analysis of existing curriculum and assessment data
- Development of D39 philosophy statement, “big ideas,” and essential questions related to the content area
- Identification of essential content and vocabulary
- Formalizing the scope and sequence
- Integration of 21st Century CONNECTED skills
- Development of curriculum maps for each grade level
- Examination of instructional implications for learners in all subgroups
- Development of common assessments of knowledge and skills
- Alignment articulation with NTHS and sender districts
- Ongoing communication with grade levels and departments throughout the curriculum review process
- Recommendations of appropriate materials, technologies, resources, & professional development
- Professional development for new curriculum
- Implementation
- Report card revisions based on new standards
District 39 Curriculum Maps
District 39 Curricula
In District 39, curricular areas are typically reviewed on a six-year cycle. Recent curriculum reviews have included Science (K-8), Fine Arts (K-8), Performing Arts (K-8), Mandarin (5-6, with 7-8 in progress), Physical Education and Health, Mathematics and Social Studies.
Curriculum maps are the written documents for each subject at each grade level in Wilmette Public Schools. Timing and sequence of each unit of study is determined by the individual teacher based on the needs of the students in his/her particular class. Classroom teachers may address some goals separately and may integrate others into broader, thematic units of study. Curriculum topics may also be covered in a different sequence than they are listed.
Additionally, the classroom teacher will adapt the curriculum creatively during the year to meet the needs of each child. Opportunities to enhance the social and emotional growth of students will be offered along with the academic and related arts areas.
These downloadable documents are in PDF format, and may be viewed with Preview (on a Mac) or with Adobe Reader (any platform).
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade