Court Duty
Please refer to the current applicable collective bargaining agreement: Agreement between the Board of Education School District 39, Cook County, Illinois and the Support Council of District 39 Wilmette Local 1274, IFT/AFT
For employees not covered by the above agreement:
The District will pay full salary during the time an employee is absent while on court duty or, pursuant to a subpoena, serves as a witness or has a deposition taken in any school-related matter pending in court; provided, however, whenever an employee is on jury duty that exceeds ten (10) working days, the employee shall remit the employee’s jury stipend to the District for those additional days.
An employee should give at least 5 days prior notice of pending court duty to the District.
Adopted: May 4, 1998
Revised February 23, 2015; September 23, 2019; November 13, 2023